martes, 29 de julio de 2008

Relaciones rotas...

Desde el Ecuador, mitad del mundo: Todo lo que se nos ocurra!

Quien en algún momento de su vida no ha sufrido un rompimiento, no dramático pero sí un tanto abrupto, con alguien a quien consideraba su amigo/a o tal vez algo más?

Aquí les dejo una canción que refleja exáctamente el después de esa ruptura, el sentir de una de las partes, tal vez de quien dijo adiós porque consideraba que esa relación no era la adecuada para sí. No se trata de pensar que la otra persona fuese mala, sólo que no era la persona indicada para él...

Con ustedes:

Flaw, My letter.

"This is my letter to you

We started following a certain description,
We started simple and fair once again
Before there wasn't any need for an answer
things were much different then

But now you question who I am, who I am inside
Now there nothing left to hide, so here it goes this is my letter

Hope you're alright, it's been rough for me
Thinking all night about the places I'd be
If I maybe just did a little bit more
you might've let me become a man for sure
And if I might, express one concern
it seems an issue, all day at every turn
What's the next step, the latest hole in my life
What's next for me to learn

Engulf myself into a permanent mystery,
no one day just as the next, not for me
It's so confusing when I look at my history,
I just can't handle that

Now you question who I am, who I am inside
Now there nothing left to hide,
so here it goes this is my letter

Hope you're alright, it's been rough for me
Thinking all night about the places I'd be
If I maybe just did a little bit more
you might've let me become a man for sure
And if I might, express one concern
it seems an issue, all day at every turn
What's the next step, the latest hole in my life
What's next for me to learn

One more friendship ends, and then for a while,
I can breath again.

Hope you're alright, it's been rough for me
Thinking all night about the places I'd be
If I maybe just did a little bit more
you might've let me become a man for sure
And if I might, express one concern
it seems an issue, all day at every turn
What's the next step, the latest hole in my life
What's next for me to learn

What's next for me to learn

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